Browse Items (4 total)
This editorial, written by student Scott Shepard, explains the history and lore behind the traditionally Southern and corn-based dish referred to as “grits”. After describing the dish’s contents, he goes on to illustrate how grits…
Jennifer Rabold, a student, wrote an opinion criticizing Scott Shepard's defense of the Western Civilizations course. This article is Scott Shepard's response to that piece, in which he argues that a study of Western Civilizations includes those who…
This is an opinion by a staff editorialist who is defending the continuation of the Western civ class. He cites John Locke's influence on the Declaration of Independence and the influence of the Roman Republic in our government structure as reasons…
This editorial was written by contributing editor Scott Shepard to object the name change of the Minority Student Union to the the Multicultural Student Union. Shepard uses this name change to lambast minority student groups, particularly those for…
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