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In this six-page short story, the anonymous author offers an account of a fire that strikes "Chinatown" in a city in California as a result of an earthquake. The city is near the University of California, Berkeley, and the characters in the story are…

This short story written by Westhampton College freshman, Mary McDaniel, describes her experience as a homesick freshman. She talks how her expectations of leaving home were different from how she felt once she got to Richmond and how she misses the…

The Web_1925_p2....JPG
This is a picture of a senior at the University of Richmond in 1925 named Yiu Fong Leung. The text next to her picture states, "Who is there at Westhampton who doesn't admire the spunk with which Yiu Fong tackles our Americanism?". Yiu Fong Leung was…

This is a photograph of the Chinese Students Club that includes the officers and members of the club. According to a statement in the Collegian, the Club was organized by the Chinese students of the University to effectively intermingle with one…

In this six-page short story, the author W.H. Brannock offers a story situated in 1870 about a black man named Methuselah Jones. Throughout this story, the author refers to Methuselah Jones as a "typical country darkey" and "the blackest 'nigger' in…

A short story about "wearing unpleasant garments." A sentence on this page reads, "When your shoes are decidedly 'English' and your feet are decidedly 'African.' This suggest that "African" had a certain connotation of being less than or dirty.

In this three-page story, the author, A.W., offers a fictional account of the black stereotype of a "mammy" which describes a black woman who works as a housekeeper and/or nanny for white families. The story lovingly describes mammies, but it is a…

These five poems are titled "Adaptations From the Chinese." It's unclear if these poems have any significant meanings behind them, but the tone of each of these poems appears to be negative. In "The Flowerless Garden" there is only a shadow and no…

This three-page story talks about the the life and role of a "Negro of the South." Throughout the story the author talks about the role and function of "the Negro" in the U.S. South, where he is "corrupt" in comparison to the white man. The author…

The short story "Oriental Justice" is about a wealthy American man, Carl Blackly, traveling to "mysterious India," being accused and charged with theft by a shop dealer for not paying for furniture items in his store. The rich American never…
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