Browse Items (55 total)

These illustrations, one of a white woman, one of a black woman, one of a white man, and one of a black man, accompany quotes from social scientists denying any difference in intelligence based on race. These statements conclude that the belief that…

This sketch preceding the Campus Notes section of The Messenger depicts two Asian people: one is dressed in a gown with a sword on his lap as the other, dressed as a clown, is jumping over or balancing on his head. This illustration is unrelated to…
This illustration of the Philogian Society and Messenger staff of 1960 features a caricature of Lebanese student Abdullah Mina in the upper left corner. Mina is wearing stereotypical Middle Eastern clothing and his nose is exaggerated.
The author of this letter, who is the feature editor of the Citadel literary magazine, advertises their "Parade of Southern Belles" feature, which he asserts "is not a beauty contest, but more of a parade or exhibit of Southern girls." He then asks…

The author of this piece reflects on being "more American" than she thought when seeing black men in the news, likely after the killing of an unarmed black man, while she's out of the country. She states that, even though America is her home, it…

The writer of this piece questions her black identity in the form of asking if she is allowed to say the "n word." While she feels unable to because of her middle/upper class upbringing, she relays anecdotes such as her sister straightening her hair…

This anti-integration quote from student Olen Lewis claims that, while accepting black and white Americans as "brothers" that "love each other," they should desire to be separate in some instances. This was published four years before the Messenger…

The Winter 1970 edition of the Messenger featured several photos that depicted black individuals or enterprises. The front and back covers of the magazine are photos of a shop known as Nathan's Market. Nathan's was a mini-mart on West Leigh Street in…

This picture of an African-American cook was paired with a Messenger piece titled "Slater Report" on the Slater dining facility and its staff. The picture fails to have a caption, and therefore the cook remains nameless.
This untitled black and white photograph featured in the Fall 1994 issue of the Messenger depicts three unnamed black boys. No location is given. This piece was paired with the short story "The Tobacco Road," which is about a white woman being…
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