Browse Items (4 total)
The second meeting of the Food Service Committee on November 2, 1970 consisted of several Richmond College students, administrators and Servomation representatives, presided by Mr. William J. Rhodes as Chairman. During this meeting, proposals from…
This item shows the recorded minutes of the Food Service Committee meeting on October 19, 1970 among Richmond College students, administrators and three representatives of the Servomation food service company. The Chairman of this committee is Mr.…
The Richmond Public Library submitted this report to the Library Board on the state of the library. Regarding staff, only a third of the librarians graduated from library schools, the average age was 48, and despite isolation, the staff were not…
The University Faculty-Representative Advisory Panel unanimously passed a statement on February 04, 1969. The panel believed that there should be no religious restriction in the process of hiring, promotion tenure, or salary increase to the faculty…
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