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This page shows a short story written about George Reynolds Freedley, Class of 1925. No authorship information is given. The story explains his participation as a "thespian." Author poses the question, "what would our Minstrels do without George,"…

A student-authored article, titled "All Around The Lake", was featured in the 1949 Alumni Bulletin, offering a depiction of current social events at the University of Richmond. The article highlights events, such as the University mascot receiving a…

The Fall 1963 edition of the Alumni Bulletin includes an advertisement for the Thanksgiving Festival football match, held at Richmond City Stadium. The advertisement highlights special family prices to encourage alumni families to attend the match…

Published in the 1971 spring Alumni Bulletin, this article summarizes an interview with Steve Nock, the new president of the Richmond College student government, and Nancy Benfield, the recently elected president of the Westhampton College student…

The Winter 1971 Alumni Bulletin features an image and accompanying profile of Irene Ebhomielen of Nigeria. Ebhomielen was an international student on the University of Richmond campus, attending the University partly because of the financial…

An article from the October 1946 University of Richmond Alumni Bulletin covers second generation Westhampton students. Elizabeth Hsu, a student from China, receives a special mention in the article. Her father, Cheng Wang Hsu (formerly spelled Hui),…

An article in the Alumni Bulletin describes the celebration of the Harvest Carnival on the Westhampton College Green. As a new college tradition, the carnival was hosted for the second time in 1948. Organized by the Richmond Club of the Westhampton…

This article in the Summer 1961 Alumni Bulletin announces the new Alumni Council president, Dr. Robert W. Allen (RC '34). The article details the Alumni Day activities, including a luncheon, classroom visitation, and baseball game, among other…

a glimpse of south africans_ab winter 1960.pdf
The winter 1960 Alumni Bulletin featured the account of Park P. Dickerson (RC '55) and his time at University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, as a Rotary Foundation Fellow. Dickerson discusses South Africa's culture, the people,…

as others see us_ab winter 1961.pdf
This article showcases the work of University of Richmond alum A. E. Dick Howard (RC '54). At the time, Howard was preparing for a career in law at the University of Virginia, prior to which he spent time studying philosophy, politics, and economics.…
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