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There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on the first page of the 1960 yearbook. In it, the spider in in a web holding a handgun, a bayonet, a sword, and a Confederate flag. "Confederate Spidey" was the university's "unofficial" mascot from…
The Confederate spider is featured on the cover of the 1960 yearbook. "Confederate Spidey" was the university's "unofficial" mascot from around 1950 to the early 1970s. This yearbook was dedicated to Dr. Solon Cousins.
Benja Vudhiporn—pictured in the third column, second row— was a student from Bangkok, Thailand that graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry. She made Dean’s List according to the senior statistics section on page 234 of The Web 1960. She was also a member…
Jean C. Lee—pictured in the second column, second row—was a student from Hong Kong that graduated with a B.A. in Biology. In the senior statistics section of The Web 1960 on page 233, it states that she was also a member of the Canterbury Club, which…
There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on a Westhampton College senior section page of the 1960 yearbook. It holds a Confederate flag, a diploma and a sword behind his back. He is also wearing a mortar board. "Confederate Spidey" was the…
There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on a Westhampton College senior section page of the 1960 yearbook. It holds a book, Confederate flag, a pencil, and a pointer. "Confederate Spidey" was the university's "unofficial" mascot from…
There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on a Westhampton College senior section page of the 1960 yearbook. It holds a book, Confederate flag, a pencil, and a pointer. "Confederate Spidey" was the university's "unofficial" mascot from…
There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on a Westhampton College senior section page of the 1960 yearbook. It holds a Confederate flag, a diploma and a sword behind his back. He is also wearing a mortar board. "Confederate Spidey" was the…
There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on a Westhampton College senior section page of the 1960 yearbook. It holds a Confederate flag, a diploma and is pointing a finger upwards. "Confederate Spidey" was the university's "unofficial"…
There is an illustration of the Confederate spider on a Westhampton College senior section page of the 1960 yearbook. It holds a book, Confederate flag, a pencil (pointed upwards), and a pointer. "Confederate Spidey" was the university's "unofficial"…
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