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This page from The Web 1980 features photographs from the University Players' performance of the play The Diary of Anne Frank in 1979 directed by Frances Daniel. The play is a stage adaptation of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, recounting…
The image in the top left of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon photo collage shows fraternity members dressed as Ku Klux Klan members standing around a black man with his neck in a noose at the fraternity lodge. The photo of fraternity members in the top right…
The accounting department photograph in The Web 1980 features Raymond Slaughter, who is presumably the first black professor in the Robin's School of Business. He was granted tenure in 1986. According to the
This photo collage in The Web 1980 celebrates the city of Richmond and features various photos such as the Robert E. Lee monument and an aerial view of the Virginia State Capitol and the surrounding area in the section "Looking Back: 150 Years at the…
The first full-time black faculty member, Dr. Lorenzo Simpson, was hired in 1976 and taught in the philosophy department. Simpson was granted tenure in 1983. At the University during this time, black people were mainly employed as janitors,…
The image in the top right of the Kappa Sigma photo collage features a student dressed as a Native American with a feather headpiece and face paint.
This page from The Web 1980 documents an "Iranian demonstration on the Richmond College Campus" to protest the Iran hostage crisis. According to the caption, this on-campus demonstration reflected the "rebellious spirit of the late '60s" as students…
A description of Halloween in The Web 1980 describes students dressed as "Ku Klux Klan members and oil-seeking Arabs." During the week before Halloween, students were also "lectured to on rape prevention." Several students are depicted in culturally…
This page from The Web 1980 features remarks from Dr. James Erb, a professor of music and director of the University Choir and Schola Cantorum, in the section "Looking Back: 150 Years at the University of Richmond." Dr. Erb states that University of…
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