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This is a report on the current state and history of minority students on campus as well as student engagement with minorities from the University of Richmond in 1973. This fact sheet lists the efforts the University of Richmond has made with…

In a report from 1954 evaluating the need for the University of Richmond to integrate, the committee charged to study segregation in the graduate and professional schools concluded that there was no need to racially integrate at the time of the…

The Fall 1963 edition of the Alumni Bulletin includes an advertisement for the Thanksgiving Festival football match, held at Richmond City Stadium. The advertisement highlights special family prices to encourage alumni families to attend the match…

In 1963, alumus Raymond E. Abbitt refused to pay alumni dues because he believed “that if the institutions of higher learning cannot be leaders in the democratic and Christian ways of life in the United States then I see very little hope for our…

a glimpse of south africans_ab winter 1960.pdf
The winter 1960 Alumni Bulletin featured the account of Park P. Dickerson (RC '55) and his time at University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, as a Rotary Foundation Fellow. Dickerson discusses South Africa's culture, the people,…
This 1971 Collegian article describes President Modlin's response to alumni who were concerned and irate about on-campus speakers such as Dick Gregory, a black comedian, author, actor, activist, and civil rights leader, who came to speak on campus in…

A student-authored article, titled "All Around The Lake", was featured in the 1949 Alumni Bulletin, offering a depiction of current social events at the University of Richmond. The article highlights events, such as the University mascot receiving a…

This article in the Summer 1961 Alumni Bulletin announces the new Alumni Council president, Dr. Robert W. Allen (RC '34). The article details the Alumni Day activities, including a luncheon, classroom visitation, and baseball game, among other…

This piece profiles Dr. R. Stuart Grizzard ('41), sharing his thoughts on the University, work as a pastor, and views on political and social issues. Grizzard expressed a desire for his children to attend the University of Richmond; both Grizzard and…
This article is about a movement started by an Alumnus, W. F. "Tip" Saunders, who wanted to change the Richmond Spider to the Richmond Confederates. He claimed that this would be a suitable change since the buildings in Richmond College were used as…
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