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This article in the Collegian reported on sit-down demonstrations by students at Virginia State College in Petersburg. The demonstrations at the historically black college were meant to work towards "freedom of movement and action in a free society."…

This Collegian article announces a workshop on student attitudes towards racism, sponsored by the Westhampton College YWCA, the Richmond Human Relations Commission, and Virginia Union University. The workshop's aims were "to establish dialogue on…

A Collegian article announcing an upcoming talk to be given by Dick Gregory, a black comedian, author, lecturer, and actor. Gregory was best known for his "outspoken battle for freedom and equality, not only for the Negro but the entire human race."…

This article recounted a racially mixed meeting planned by the Richmond Human Relations Commissions between University of Richmond and Virginia Union University students to discus racial awareness, prejudice, and discrimination. This session began…

This letter to the editor, written by University of Richmond student Peter R. Neal, was published in The Collegian on November 21, 1958. Neal wrote that on November 7, two weeks earlier, a black basketball player was permitted in the dining hall, the…

"Black Cats' Aims, Advice Praised" is an installment of Jim Winders' column, which was frequently found in The Collegian student newspaper and "attempt[ed] to establish an editorial forum on contemporary issues", typically taking a liberal stance.…

This article reviewed a lecture given by Rev. David B. Nickerson, a visiting lecturer of the Religious Activities Council and director of the Southern Field Service Escru. Nickerson focused on the identity of black people in communities, specifically…

A Collegian editorial arguing that many Americans are offended by the Confederate flag and the song "Dixie," since both are symbols of bigotry and racism. During this time, the University of Richmond band would carry the Confederate flag during…

A Collegian editorial expressing views on the racial diversity of the faculty and student body at the University of Richmond. The editorial called for a more racially diverse community, but the university claimed that it did not discriminate in…

as others see us_ab winter 1961.pdf
This article showcases the work of University of Richmond alum A. E. Dick Howard (RC '54). At the time, Howard was preparing for a career in law at the University of Virginia, prior to which he spent time studying philosophy, politics, and economics.…
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