Browse Items (46 total)

This image found in The Web 1974 yearbook focuses on interest groups at the University of Richmond. One group featured in this selection, in the middle row right photograph, was that of the Student Organization for Black Awareness (SOBA), the first…
This image was found in The Web 1975 yearbook. It features the Student Organization for Black Awareness (SOBA); it was the University of Richmond's first black student led organization. The first black student -- Barry Greene -- was not allowed to…
This Collegian article is aimed to notify students of a "racial awareness session" organized by both the University of Richmond and Virginia Union University. Through activities such as showcasing a race sensitivity film, the session aims to produce… 4.1-19711008.jpg
The article "Black Liberation Means An End To White Power," explores Black Theology and the work of Dr. James H. Cone who believed that Christianity supports oppression and slavery. To him, Christianity was a tool of White Power that needed to be…
This article is a satirical criticism published in The Collegian. The writer, Nandalal Rasiah, Richmond College 2005, wrote this piece in response to another piece written by someone whom Raisah refers to as "Mr. Gibney." In that piece, Mr. Gibney…
This Op-Ed was published in The Collegian by Ryan Moser, class of 2005. In this piece, Moser argues that American culture has begun to dehumanize terrorists in favor of violence and death. He uses the terms "Redcoats," "Redmen," "Kraut," "Japs,"…
This Op-Ed in The Collegian describes the various steps that the author, senior Chase Rowan, suggests could improve the University of Richmond. The article takes a satirical tone in demanding a number of amenities including an emphasis on…
This Op-Ed published in The Collegian features two opinion articles arguing for opposing views on affirmative action. The first was written by student Danielle Orron who wrote in support of affirmative action. In her piece, Orron followed a…
This article discusses Richmond College Professor, Dr. Mead's speech at the Westhampton Assembly on April 16, 1934. Talking on his time in South America, he discusses the derivation of the word "carioca," explaining that its origin is in the…
This article describes the speaker who has been selected to speak at the Convocation on January 10, 1936. "Dr. S. Ralph Harlow, professor of religion and Biblical literature at Smith College and educator late of the Neat East, will address the…
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