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Written by sophomore Gina Davis, this 1992 Collegian article was written in response to the Collegian not covering an on campus talk give by Susan Faludi, a renowned feminist and 1991 Pulitzer Prize winner. Despite the fact that the talk had the…
This 1991 Collegian article focuses on a legal battle that was between Harry Snead, a T.C. Williams School of Law professor and the University of Richmond. Snead was suspended from classroom teaching in November 1988 due to his "sexist and racial…
This 1991 article focuses on an announcement made by R. Dean Decker, a biology professor, in which he states that any students who walked out of his class, or were absent during the time of his class would automatically fail the course. This…
There was much worry in 1970 when Dick Gregory, the comedian and black activist, came to campus for the University Student Union lecture series. Jim Winders, the writer of this article, explains the importance of having controversial speakers on…
This Collegian article explains the censorship process for t-shirts sporting sexually-charged innuendos and uses the University of Richmond’s crew team and equestrian team’s notorious use of sexual slogans as examples. For example, the crew team used…
The Fall 1991 issue of the Messenger prompted University officials to withdraw the magazine from the admissions office and no longer send it to alumni. A memo from Gerald Quigg, vice president of University relations, claimed that crude language used…
This article defines the "literary quality" mentioned in student handbooks given to freshman (called "Rats" by the author). Gibson claims that literary realism is sometimes "vulgar" and "obscene" just to be shocking, which makes it "pornographic…
The writer of this piece argues that the Messenger does not "publish representative literary expression from the two colleges" and "has failed to attract the average local student." They claim that faculty censorship and favoritism in submissions…

In this article, the author discusses how the fall 1991 issue of the University’s literary magazine, The Messenger, prompted University officials to consider withdrawing the magazine from the admissions office due to the use of profanity.…
This article addresses the issue of muted free speech on liberal college campuses. It starts with an anecdote from Baylor University, a similar liberal arts school like the University of Richmond, regarding their administration's cracking down on…
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