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This article talks about the tri-annual National Student Assembly where MRS. Louise Cardozo's belief in American patriotism was reinstated by watching the youth carry out intense conversations about different aspects of the ongoing war. She was…

This article shares the accomplishments of two Chinese alumni, John Paau (RC '25) and Cheng Yeung Hui (RC '22). Both were members of Philologian Society while students at Richmond College. The article shares that Paau attended Columbia University…

This articles describes a banquet hosted by Chinese students honoring Mr. Y. E. Hsiaio (Hsiao), a Chinese educator. From Ningpo (Ningbo), China, Hsiao was a Shanghai College graduate and president general secretary of the Chinese Student Christian…

Chinese Richmond College students held a reception to honor faculty at the University of Richmond. The reception was located at Lido Garden, a restaurant on Broad Street serving Chinese and American food. Many prominent faculty attended the reception…

This article describes Chinese students celebrating the eleventh anniversary of the Chinese Republic. Organized by the Chinese Students Organization (Chinese Club), the students held a banquet at Shanghai Restaurant. The event is compared to the…

The Chinese Club held a banquet on October 10, 1924 to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of the Chinese Republic. The banquet was located at Far East Restaurant, on Third and Broad Streets. Members of the Chinese Club included both Richmond…
In this article, the author speaks about the speech that Dean Keller gave to Westhampton College students on what graduates should obtain through their education. She discussed things she believed every student should acquire before she graduates…

This article titled "Devotional" is an account of student participation and stories relating a variety of subjects. A brief mention in this article shares C. Y. Hui's address to the Westhampton Baptist Church congregation on Sunday, February 10, 192.…

This article notes that while Chinese students had been attending Richmond College for several years, Yiu Fong Leung was the first Chinese woman to attend Westhampton College. The first cousin of Yik Chin Cheung, a senior at Richmond College, Leung…

This article describes a talk given by a missionary from China, Mrs. McLaughlin. During the talk, Mrs. McLaughlin described the various phases of life in China, and said that China offers a "field of great possibilities." She believes that the China…
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