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In this image 14 members of the Young Men's Christian Association are featured, including S.W. Quong, an Asian student. Sidney W. Quong has listed his hometown as Norfolk, VA. Quong refers to himself as a Chinese student and is a member of the…

A list of members in Glee Club, broken down by musical ranges (i.e.: First Tenors, Second Tenors, First Bass, Second Bass). Listed under First Bass is student S.W. Quong, a Chinese student. Sidney W. Quong has listed his hometown as Norfolk, VA.…

The bio of the 1930 Richmond College Sophomore class which includes student Sidney W. Quong has listed his hometown as Norfolk, VA. Quong refers to himself as a Chinese student and is a member of the Chinese Club where in 1929, his Freshman year, he…

The bio of the 1930 Richmond College Junior class which includes one international student, Seid E. Ling, who has listed his hometown as Canton, China. This page features his photograph, name, hometown, and intended B.S course of study. Unlike the…

This article shares the accomplishments of two Chinese alumni, John Paau (RC '25) and Cheng Yeung Hui (RC '22). Both were members of Philologian Society while students at Richmond College. The article shares that Paau attended Columbia University…

This article titled "Devotional" is an account of student participation and stories relating a variety of subjects. A brief mention in this article shares C. Y. Hui's address to the Westhampton Baptist Church congregation on Sunday, February 10, 192.…

Image of Yui Fong included in a page of photographs of 1923 May Day Celebration from the scrapbook of Wilma "Billie" Spangler. Captioned "The Wedding," showing Chinese students participation in Westhampton College events.

This poem by Chack Kwong Wong describes the poet's longing for home and feeling “alone in this foreign land.” Wong was native to Canton, China.

This poem by Poon Kant Mok of the 1927 graduating class describes separation between the narrator and a hesitant lover who ultimately leaves him. The narrator encourages this lover, whom he calls "Far-to-seek," to keep going despite him.

The Web_1925_p118.jpg
This page, drawn from the junior class section of the 1925 yearbook, includes the names, photos, and descriptions of the students who were part of the junior class. The page includes photos of K. “King” Mok and P.L. “Mok” Mok, who are both from the…
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