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This 1992 Collegian opinion piece by student William M. Norton describes his standpoint on race relations, and how he feels that black people should not get any special precedents or programs based on their race because that is then racist. Norton…
In this 1972 Collegian article, there is a brief description of the table tennis match between Virginia Union University and University of Richmond. The table tennis tournament took place on both campuses, and Virginia Union is described to have…
This 1939 announcement is for a Westhampton College production of "Gone With the Wind" that will be performed by WC seniors. The announcement details the women that will be playing each role, as well as the extravagance of the stage with a "black…
In this University of Richmond Collegian editorial, written in response to “actor-entertainer” Bill Cosby donating $20 million to Spelman College, white student Rick Mayes attempts to argue that if all-white institutions and organizations are racist,…
In this opinion piece, second-year student at the T.C. Williams School of Law Victor Mba-Jonas responds to an opinion piece written by Mr. Scott Shepard criticizing the name change and mere existence of the Multicultural Student Union (MSU) at the…
This opinion piece written by an author “R.C.” expresses disappointment toward the sloppiness of Richmond College students in their dining hall. He claims that the unkempt dress of Richmond students does not honor the prestige of the University, nor…
This short story, appearing in the 1897 edition of the University of Richmond’s yearbook The Spider, details the life of Dick Ricard: a Black boy with a talent for yodeling. Writing in a mocking, paternalistic tone, the author L. R. Hamberlin…
This is an opinion piece advocating for the University of Richmond to integrate in order to save its ROTC Program. The Board of Trustees was faced with the choice to either integrate or lose its ROTC program. In the article, the student urges the…
This opinion piece was written by Richmond College graduate Jim Winders who was awarded the Danforth Fellowship. His article was reprinted into The Collegian for seniors at the university to read and contemplate their time at the institution. The…
In this short story, a law student named Winston Kingstone Manners the Fourth does cocaine and finds a book that contains his life story. Moments in his past are described as, "The beaten black boy, the date-raped freshman, and the threatened…
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