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Found in the 1914 edition of the University of Richmond's yearbook The Spider, this page satirically reminisces on the birth of the Refectory, the Richmond College dining hall.
Located in a section of the 1898 edition of the yearbook The Spider titled "Eating Houses," this page is dedicated to the Refectory, the Richmond College dining hall. The page lists a satirical average menu, along with the dining hall matron (Mrs.…
This Collegian article reports anxieties about the dining hall exchange at the University of Richmond regarding a misinterpretation of the Coordinate Education Report. The report states that “Separate dining opportunities shall be provided in each…
This Collegian article states that food catering service Servomation Mathias has replaced the Slater System in managing the Richmond College Refectory. The new manager of the Refectory is Carroll E. Allen Jr. New serving hours and the guidance of a…
This University of Richmond Collegian article celebrates the University of Richmond’s contributions in “increasing employment opportunities for disabled people throughout the United States.” Ronald Inlow, director of food and auxiliary services, says…
In this University of Richmond Collegian editorial, student Thomas Franco attributes a lack of socialization between Westhampton College and Richmond College to a reliance on sarcasm to mask uneasiness, all ultimately stemming from student apathy. He…
In honor of Valentine’s Day, this Collegian opinion piece shows the results of a survey that asked 200 students from Richmond and Westhampton College how each gender would stereotype the other in one phrase. The survey indicates that Westhampton…
This article states that in response to student complaints about food service, student committees were created to voice student opinions. Both of these two groups have met with PFM representatives. During the first Westhampton College Food Service…
This Collegian opinion piece commends the “notable improvement in the food served in the refectory,” which is the Richmond College dining hall. Writer Randall K. Falls attributes this improvement to the new manager Gary Snyder and his staff.
This opinion piece written by an author “R.C.” expresses disappointment toward the sloppiness of Richmond College students in their dining hall. He claims that the unkempt dress of Richmond students does not honor the prestige of the University, nor…
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