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This editorial piece criticizes the decision by the new editors of the Messenger for the magazine's 1978 issue to be satirical rather than literary. The writer claims that the choice could not be due to lack of interest by students, as readership had…
This Collegian writer, who signs as D.F., argues in support of the Messenger in response to the Board of Publications's questioning of the magazine's livelihood. The Board appointed a committee because, according to Board of Publications chairman…
This article reports that Donald Wilson, editor-in-chief of the Messenger, was removed from his position by the Board of Publications due to "breach of contract in several particulars." There had been "continued strained relations" between Wilson and…
This article reports that the all woman staff for the Messenger, following editor Betty Cather, resigned from their roles. According to Board of Publications and magazine editor Donald Wilson, the women on the staff were "not in accord with the…
In response to an article on Richmond College's revival of the Messenger literary magazine, an editor reflects on the campus's past of "apathy, unconcern, and even ridicule of campus writers," ultimately deciding that the students have changed and…
After the Richmond College senate accepted financial responsibility for the return of the Richmond Messenger, a Collegian reporter interviewed professors and students interested in writing on their feelings for the publication. While many professors…
The writer of this article claims that the Messenger will soon "belong to the whole University and not exclusively to Westhampton College" due to Richmond College's upcoming financial involvement in the publication. They elaborate that Richmond…
The effort to make the Messenger a joint publication between Richmond and Westhampton Colleges, as it was only published by Westhampton at this time, failed due to difficulties reconciling the colleges' budgets. Messenger editor Sue Cook McClure…

In this oral history interview, Michael Kizzie (R ‘81) sat down with Shira Greer (‘22) and Johnnette Johnson (‘20) on June 22, 2019, in Boatwright Memorial Library. Over the course of the one hour interview, Kizzie discussed his…
This editorial, "Censored," was published in The Collegian on May 17 1968, by an unnamed author. It was written in reference to a decision made by the Board of Publications, the newspaper's publisher, to not allow The Collegian to publish a sex…
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