Browse Items (53 total)
This spread in the 1913 yearbook is on the Anti Co-Ed Club which was started to protest the integration of women into the collegiate system. There is a cartoon depicting men wandering around, and a photo of the men in the club.
This 1992 Collegian opinion piece, written by resident assistant Heather Bond, describes her issue with the University's sexist language and actions. She asks that the University reconsider their attitudes and role in institutionalized sexism. She…
In this 1992 Collegian article, David Braverman, assistant dean of Richmond College, wishes to bring the discussion of men's issues such as rape, dealing with emotions, and figuring out manhood, to campus. Presented were ten proposals that included…
This 1991 article explains the decision of the SAE National Council to suspend University of Richmond's Sigma Alpha Epsilon Virginia Tau chapter's charter. SAE had their charter "formally suspended after a two-year probationary suspension status"…
This 1988 Collegian article discusses the results of a survey done by a journalism class, where they randomly sampled 359 University students with a telephone poll. Of that number of students, 169 were men while 190 were women. Of that 190, 11…
This opinion piece, written by University of Richmond senior and male cheerleader Matthew O’Brian, responds to an opinion piece parodying a Webster’s Dictionary titled “The Official University of Richmond Dictionary/Thesaurus Encyclopedia and…
In this Collegian opinion piece, black student Harvey Whitney relates a quote from Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man to his personal experience of being considered invisible by white and black students at the University of Richmond. Whitney cites the…
In honor of Valentine’s Day, this Collegian opinion piece shows the results of a survey that asked 200 students from Richmond and Westhampton College how each gender would stereotype the other in one phrase. The survey indicates that Westhampton…
According to this University of Richmond Collegian article, the Board of Trustees has passed a Westhampton Senate proposal allowing men to eat at the court dining hall during dinner hours. The court dining hall was the all-female dining hall intended…
This opinion piece written by an author “R.C.” expresses disappointment toward the sloppiness of Richmond College students in their dining hall. He claims that the unkempt dress of Richmond students does not honor the prestige of the University, nor…
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