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This article states that Dr. Solon B. Cousins, who was a professor of Bible, pastor of the Second Baptist Church was the speaker at the Ministerial Association meeting last night. Dr. Cousins was head of the University of Richmond Religion…
This article discusses the various activities that went on for the commencement of the farewell celebration for Dr. Gertrude Beggs, the Latin professor chair who was leaving to go teach at the North China American School in Beijing, China. Dean May…
This Richmond News Leader article from 1957 was targeted towards an honors convocation speech that was delivered by the Atlantic Monthly editor, Edward Weeks, to University of Richmond graduates. Weeks claimed that the catalyst of the South's unique…
The Richmond Times-Dispatch published this article on June 06, 1961 in response to a commencement address given at the University of Richmond by Dr. Claudius O. Johnson. Dr. Johnson was a former professor of history and political science at…
This is a list of Masters of Arts, Science, and Science in Education recipients and their thesis titles for the August graduating Class of 1958. Subjects ranged from the history of Richmond's fire department to a history of Richmond public schools.…
This is a list of Masters of Arts and Masters of Science in Business Administration recipients and their thesis titles for the June graduating Class of 1957. Subjects ranged from the history of four western gunfighters to "Ratio Analysis of Financial…
This is a list of Masters of Arts recipients and their thesis titles for the August graduating Class of 1971. There was diversity in both the subject matter and where these graduate students got their Bachelor's degree. Topics ranged from "The…
This is a list of Masters of Arts recipients and their thesis titles for the August graduating Class of 1968. There was diversity in both the subject matter and where these graduate students got their Bachelor's degree. Topics ranged from religion in…
This is a list of Masters of Arts recipients and their thesis titles for the August graduating Class of 1965. There was diversity in both the subject matter and where these graduate students got their Bachelor's degree. Topics ranged from…
This is a list of Masters of Arts recipients and their thesis titles for the June graduation Class of 1969. There was diversity in both the subject matter and where these graduate students got their Bachelor's degree. Topics ranged from studies of…
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