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This article was written about English professor Dr. Grace Landrum’s reading of “Marse Chan,” one of the most famous works of Thomas Nelson Page. “Marse Chan” nostalgically represented the “Old South,” and in…

This article is about a concert from the Jasper Hall stringed quartet at Atlee High School, an event organized by a University of Richmond alum Joseph Rotella '22 to raise money for the school's library. The program consisted of "stringed and vocal…
This 1947 Collegian article explains that during construction two human skeletons and one coffin were found on campus. There were many rumours and speculations surrounding the dead bodies, with professors and students speculating that the bodies had…

An article about housing ordinances at Westhampton College, including that the students would be allowed to keep their lights on until midnight. At the bottom of the article are two "jokes," used often to fill space in the Collegian. The second joke…

This section "Dips From The College Grin-Pot" features snippets of what was intended to be humorous dialogue. Included are six brief dialogues that feature an interaction between two people. The fifth dialogue is an interaction between two black…

In "Hash and Re-hash," a column often printed in The Richmond Collegian, the writers share a series of humorous stories, many based on word play, puns, and one-line jokes, with the target of jokes often being black people. This column is credited to…

On page six, in the "Re-Hash" weekly joke column, there is a joke that uses verbal blackface. It reads, "Liza, I'se gwine to kiss yuh when Ah goes!" [Reply] "Black boy, leave dis hear house at onct!" This use of dialect was presented as a form of…

The re-hash is a joke section of the Collegian, including the following: "Aunt Jemima, a big negro washer-woman, had just been knocked down by an automobile. A crowd gathered around to sympathize with her. 'You'll get damages for this, Aunt Jemima,'…

This review is in the Exchanges section of the Messenger, which appears monthly. In this month's entry, Wirt Davis reviews a short story titled "The Last Confederate" from the University of Virginia's Magazine. Davis criticizes the author for slip…

The Messenger_1924_27.jpg
This short story mocks African Americans through racist exaggerated vernacular and creating a character, named "A'nt Lucy" that is described as obese, lazy, dirty and "the blackest n*****." The plot of this story is that the there was a leaf found…
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