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One of the courses taught by the History department in 1971 was titled "History of the Civil War and Reconstruction." According to the course description, the course would "focus on slavery and the sectional controversy, secession and the war, and…
This photo collage in The Web 1980 celebrates the city of Richmond and features various photos such as the Robert E. Lee monument and an aerial view of the Virginia State Capitol and the surrounding area in the section "Looking Back: 150 Years at the…
This editorial, written by student Scott Shepard, explains the history and lore behind the traditionally Southern and corn-based dish referred to as “grits”. After describing the dish’s contents, he goes on to illustrate how grits…
One of the courses taught by the History department in 1971 was titled "The New South." According to the course description, the course would basically be a "survey of the former slave states from the end of Reconstruction to the middle of the…
One of the courses taught by the History department in 1971 was titled "The Old South." According to the course description, the course would be a study of the "political, economic, social, and cultural developments in the cotton and tobacco…
One of the courses taught by the History department in 1951 was titled "History of the South." No further description was provided for this course so it is unclear what was actually taught.
One of the courses taught by the History department in 1949 was titled "History of the Civil War and Reconstruction." No further description was provided for this course so it is unclear what was actually taught.
This program outlines the production of God Say Amen by the English Shakespeare Company at the University of Richmond. Michael Bogdanov and Michael Pennington state that the show examines "Shakespeare's current enquiry into political behaviour."…
In this poem, the narrator claims that Jewish people always live in sukkot (plural form of sukkah), defined at the end of the piece as "a small tent built for a week of meals and prayer to celebrate the Jewish harvest holiday of Succoth." It…
The narrator of this poem expresses his identity as part of a "colossal being" of black people, preferring the collective 'we' to the singular 'I.' He explores slavery as "the torture that was endured for years and still / Silently exists today"…
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