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President George Modlin wrote this letter on June 30, 1961 to reply to Richmond College alum and lawyer, Wildman S. Kincheloe, who expressed his concerns with the 1961 commencement speaker, Dr. Claudius Johnson's, remarks. Modlin assured Kincheloe…
Richmond College alum, lawyer, and World War II veteran, Wildman S. Kincheloe wrote President George Modlin on June 12, 1961, to express his concerns with the comments of the commencement speaker, fellow Richmond College alum, Dr. Claudius O.…
The Richmond Times-Dispatch published this article on June 06, 1961 in response to a commencement address given at the University of Richmond by Dr. Claudius O. Johnson. Dr. Johnson was a former professor of history and political science at…
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