Browse Items (19 total)
This article talks about Congressman Gerry Studds, who was "burned at the stake by a large number of his constituents" after having "a brief consenting homosexual relationship with a congressional page." A petition signed by more than 300 citizens…
The article talks about a rally on Boatwright lawn staged by the Campaign for Military Service, a group of gay and lesbian military veterans participating in a tour called "Tour of Duty" around 34 college campuses (UR was the group's 24th stop). Alan…

This article describes a student protest held on October 11, 2006, in support of the "Right to Serve" campaign. This civil rights campaign was supported by Soulforce, a social justice organization for LGBTQ acceptance. The protest took place at the…

This article desribes the process through which Anita Bryant, a singer and opponent of civil rights for LGBTQ individuals, was invited to the Robins Center on October 8, 1977. Bryant's efforts led to repeals of anti-discriminiation on the basis of…

This feature includes responses by people, including one Resident Assistant, to the following question: How would you feel about a gay/lesbian/bisexual student organization on the UR campus? Though the "That's What You Think" feature usually included…

In this oral history interview, Dominic Finney (R ‘99) sat down with Shira Greer (‘22) and Jenifer Yi (‘22) on June 12, 2019, in Boatwright Memorial Library. Over the course of the one hour and fifteen minute interview, Finney…

In this oral history interview, Beth Marschak (W'72) sat down with Jisu Song ('22) and Shira Greer ('22) on June 17, 2019 at University of Richmond Downtown. Over the course of the one hour interview, Marschak talks about growing up in the city of…
This short feature promotes activities happening during the LesBiGay Week that will be hosted by the Lambda Coalition on April 29-21. There will be events such as a documentary showing and a talk by the executive director of the American Civil…
This brief 1992 Collegian article discuss a recent poll done in Newsweek magazine, that showed that 78 percent of Americans favored homosexuals recieving equal opportunity in employment. However despite this less than one third of of those surveyed…
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