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In this article, Dr. W.D. Weatherford addresses issues brought about by World War I, particularly focused on "the supply of labor." Munitions factories are employing many men and women, and Weatherford notes that "places of manual labor vacated by…

The Spectator's Column seems to be brief descriptions of domestic and international news outside of the University of Richmond. Attention should be placed on two news clips here, clip 4 and clip 5. Clip 4 discusses the discovery of a recent lynching…

Featured in this illustration, which is located on the page adjacent to the description of the University Players Club, is a man hanging by a noose with his hands cuffed behind him. Two black crows fly overhead. This image might represent a scene…

This photograph collage found in The Web 1952 features two photos with racist and/or offensive material. On the first page in the middle, all the way to the right, there is a picture of two students, one who is wearing a cap with the Nazi swastika on…
The image in the top left of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon photo collage shows fraternity members dressed as Ku Klux Klan members standing around a black man with his neck in a noose at the fraternity lodge. The photo of fraternity members in the top right…
This poem from the Spring 1990 issue of the Messenger features an assumedly French female student who corrects a classmate's pronunciation of the word 'femme fatale.' Another classmate then reminds her that they aren't in France. The narrator then…
This article summarizes a faculty and student discussion on lynching and its history in response to a racist incident at the Cousins Studio Theater involving the hanging of a black doll. The article details that there were anywhere from 30 to 70…
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