Browse Items (46 total)

This illustration shown at the beginning of the yearbook. Depicts a white matronly figure surrounded by four children of differing ethnicities: brown, Asian, Native American, and white. Part of a series of illustrations at the beginning of each…
Lilia L. Anderhub—pictured in the third column, second row—was from Mexico City and graduated with a B.S. in biology in 1979.
The top photograph features members of the Karate Club, which has three Vietnamese students: Huan Van Tran, Hi Van Tran, and Hoa Van Tran.
Benja Vudhiporn—pictured in the third column, second row— was a student from Bangkok, Thailand that graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry. She made Dean’s List according to the senior statistics section on page 234 of The Web 1960. She was also a member…
Jean C. Lee—pictured in the second column, second row—was a student from Hong Kong that graduated with a B.A. in Biology. In the senior statistics section of The Web 1960 on page 233, it states that she was also a member of the Canterbury Club, which…
Prayot Rangsiyanon—pictured in the first column, first row—was a student from Bangkok, Thailand that graduated with a B.S. in Finance. He was a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity, and served as master of ritual according to…
Jehane Roberta Flint—pictured in the third column, first row—was from Buenos Aires, Argentina a and graduated with a B.A. in English. She was on Dean's List and a member of Alpha Kappa Psi. According to the senior section on page 236, she…
The Student Organization for Black Awareness (SOBA) got together to establish three goals for the 1977-1978 academic year. First, they wanted to see the University of Richmond "actively recruit blacks and minority students." To do so, they aimed to…
This document is a report of the number of minority students at the University of Richmond for the 1972-1973 school year, nearly 20 years after Brown v Board. Minority students were divided into the following categories: "American Indian," "Negro,"…
The Registrar's appendix report on registration shows that University College had 1,071 students enrolled. The report also shows the ethnic makeup of University of Richmond. There were 25 hispanic students, 5 American Indian or Alaskan Native, 17…
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