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This 1939 announcement is for a Westhampton College production of "Gone With the Wind" that will be performed by WC seniors. The announcement details the women that will be playing each role, as well as the extravagance of the stage with a "black…
This short story, appearing in the 1897 edition of the University of Richmond’s yearbook The Spider, details the life of Dick Ricard: a Black boy with a talent for yodeling. Writing in a mocking, paternalistic tone, the author L. R. Hamberlin…
Photographed by J.W. Buck, this image from the 1897 edition of the yearbook The Spider depicts the cast of the theatrical production "Darkest Africa". A majority of the all-male white cast is in blackface.
This image, appearing on a page titled "The Glee Club" in the 1897 University of Richmond yearbook The Spider, shows a white european man playing the flute for a racist caricature of a person with monkey-like features, who covers his ears in…
This short story written in the 1911 yearbook titled, "Uncle Remus on Coeds" and goes into detail about the elaborate parties that coeds throw, through the narrative of Uncle Remus. The story uses "negro" dialect and misspellings of words in order to…
This short story written in the 1910 yearbook is titled "Mammy Rose" and centers around a young man Marse Roberts who has lost hope at being successful. However an older "colored" woman comes upon him, and they reconnect as she took care of him when…
This illustration of the Philogian Society and Messenger staff of 1960 features a caricature of Lebanese student Abdullah Mina in the upper left corner. Mina is wearing stereotypical Middle Eastern clothing and his nose is exaggerated.
This 1899 drawing in the yearbook, The Spider, is of a racist caricature of a black man, holding cards as a title page for the university's clubs. At this point in time there were no black students attending the University of Richmond.
This 1897 drawing in the Spider yearbook depicts a racist caricature of a black person next to the "Peanut Club" whose motto is "eat at pleasure and drink by measure." It is unclear why a black person is depicted next to what appears to be an food…

This article consists of information regarding a production by the University Players titled “Conquest of My Brother,” their second production of the 1975-1976 season. The production about the “200-year struggle between the American…
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