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This article published in The Collegian is a film review of "Los Milagros." The writer uses the terms "mulatto" and "negro" when referencing two characters in the movie: a shepherd and a janitor. The majority of the article is a summary of the plot,…
This Richmond News Leader article from 1957 was targeted towards an honors convocation speech that was delivered by the Atlantic Monthly editor, Edward Weeks, to University of Richmond graduates. Weeks claimed that the catalyst of the South's unique…
This article published in The Collegian highlights the University of Richmond's Hispanic Heritage Month. The article begins with a joke that student Brian Alas -- of Cuban-Irish descent -- receives due to his Cuban ancestry: Where is your tire? This…
This article published by The Collegian on October 26th, 1923, called, "Thief In Dormitory Halted By Matron" describes a black man suspected of stealing at Randolph-Macon Women's College being pursued by a matron at gunpoint. Mrs. F. M. Mitchell…
This article published in The Collegian is a review of the restaurant "The Empress." The writer describes the food and the decor, describing it as having an "oriental vibe."
This 1947 Collegian article explains that during construction two human skeletons and one coffin were found on campus. There were many rumours and speculations surrounding the dead bodies, with professors and students speculating that the bodies had…

An article about housing ordinances at Westhampton College, including that the students would be allowed to keep their lights on until midnight. At the bottom of the article are two "jokes," used often to fill space in the Collegian. The second joke…
The article describes how Professor of Dramatics Alton Williams how a minor role played by two African-American actors was important to the plot of the popular play, "Petrified Forest."

The article makes an announcement about a program of spiritual songs and services happening on campus. The Pop section is referred to as a "Negro Spiritual" with no credit given to the artist or the group.
This column published in The Collegian highlights an event in which the Juniors and Freshmen of Westhampton held a "Japanese" themed "wedding." The social event featured "Oriental" decorations and food.
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