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A student-authored article, titled "All Around The Lake", was featured in the 1949 Alumni Bulletin, offering a depiction of current social events at the University of Richmond. The article highlights events, such as the University mascot receiving a…

The Fall 1963 edition of the Alumni Bulletin includes an advertisement for the Thanksgiving Festival football match, held at Richmond City Stadium. The advertisement highlights special family prices to encourage alumni families to attend the match…

These pages are from the 1953 University of Richmond yearbook, The Web. It contains information about the fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha. The page discusses the achievements of the Alpha Chi Chapter, which is the chapter name at the University of…

The brief article is about the defeat of North Carolina. The article states that seeing this score (Richmond 14- North Carolina 13) is exciting as that means there will be a "scalping of an Injun", which we see mentioned in other articles. The…
This article is about a movement started by an Alumnus, W. F. "Tip" Saunders, who wanted to change the Richmond Spider to the Richmond Confederates. He claimed that this would be a suitable change since the buildings in Richmond College were used as…

These photos from the 1960 yearbook feature "The Web Beauty" Miss Alice Clement and the man who selected her as the most beautiful from a selection of candidates, Mr. Ed Sullivan. Framing the first page and third page is the Confederate Spider…

This section of the 1960 Web exhibits an illustration of the Confederate spider mascot. It has the Confederate flag held high in one of its legs and a degree held high in the other.

The Administration and Faculty section of the 1960 yearbook shows a cartoon of the Confederate spider. The spider can be seen holding a confederate flag with "U of R" written on its uniform. Similar illustrations can be seen at the beginning of each… XXXVII.12.3-19501201.jpg
On December 1st 1950, The Collegian published an article called “UR Confederate Spider 3 Years Old.” The article tells the story of how the University of Richmond’s logo the Spider got transformed into the Confederate Spider in which the Spider wears…
This document was a program containing details about the University of Richmond’s 1965-1966 athletic season. On the front of the program was the picture of a white, male basketball player; "Captain Johnny Moates" was next to the picture. On the first…
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