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This Collegian article describes the Women's Lifestyle Committee's annual "Lifestyles Conference," which was held from January 27-29 in the winter of 1978. The theme of 1978 was "Partners in Humanity." The article subtly hints at the state of gender…
This letter was written in response to a very controversial letter written by faculty member Janet Kotler about fraternities and the little sister programs, the way the Collegian handled their subsequent reporting. Francy insists that there are…
This article refers to the new average measurements of Westhampton students in physical conditioning classes. Dr. Judith McMoran, chairman of the WC Department of Physical Education, reported these results and commented that "people are now assuming…
Bernice Sandler, an executive director of the Project on the Status and Education of Women, spoke on campus at the honors convocation in 1987. She outlined both subtle and overt sexual discrimination, and cited a statistic that 20 to 30 percent of…
This article from the Collegian addresses the controversy surrounding the University of Richmond’s water polo club’s sale of calendars featuring photos of a different Westhampton and School of Business Administration student each month. Steven White,…

This article looks back on the rules for men and women at the University of Richmond during the first half of the 20th century. The men's rules apply to "ratting" or a freshman hazing event in which freshmen "rats are full-time pledges to…
This is an open letter written my Janet Kotler, a Business School faculty member, to fraternity members, their little sisters, and their potential rushes. What spurred this letter is a series of advertisements for party themes that degraded the…
This letter was written in response to a very controversial letter written by faculty member Janet Kotler about fraternities and the little sister programs. The author agrees with Kotler's claims, stating that Greek life at UR is unlike any other…
This letter was written in response to a very controversial letter written by faculty member Janet Kotler about fraternities and the little sister programs. It is a group of little sisters' insisting their right to choose what they do with their…
Student Alisa G. Mayor argues that the trend to recruit more women and minorities into the Sciences reflects a historic pattern of women’s progress in America only occurring at the convenience of men. She cites the invention of the typewriter and…
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