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This 1991 Collegian article focuses on a legal battle that was between Harry Snead, a T.C. Williams School of Law professor and the University of Richmond. Snead was suspended from classroom teaching in November 1988 due to his "sexist and racial…
The article reports on the formation of a women's liberation group on campus. Beth Marschak, head of the organization, said that the shock "is effective in getting people thinking." She mentions that many students have ideas that conform to many…

In this article, the author talks about the second annual Women's Lifestyle Conference sponsored by the Westhampton College Government Association in 1976. Folk singer Deborah McColl not only performed to begin the conference, but also spoke on the…

This article describes the May Day Court, specifically listing every member's physical appearance. It describes the queen as "a blonde English major," and other members as "the tall brunette," or the "lack-haired president of the class." May Day was…
This article republished from the Gannett News Service describes a study done by Sociology Professors Barbara Reskin and Patricia Roos. This research was done on the movement of women into typically male occupations during the 1970s. What they found…
This reports on guest lecturer for the Stafford Lecture Series Dr. Janet Wilson James, who is an associate professor of history at Boston College. She talks about how the roots of the women's liberation movement "extend back to the end of the 19th…
Westhampton and Richmond College students were questioned on their opinions surrounding the topic of the Women’s Liberation Movement. Opinions such as, "I'd hate to fix my own flat tires!" were expressed by Westhamptons students. There appeared to be…
The author of this letter, who is the feature editor of the Citadel literary magazine, advertises their "Parade of Southern Belles" feature, which he asserts "is not a beauty contest, but more of a parade or exhibit of Southern girls." He then asks…
This letter to the editor is written by a Westhampton College student, Katherine Sanford, in response to an anti-abortion article that was published in The Collegian. Sanford describes her feelings of outrage and anger over the article that was…
This letter was written in response to a very controversial letter written by faculty member Janet Kotler about fraternities and the little sister programs. The author agrees with Kotler's claims, stating that Greek life at UR is unlike any other…
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