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This article from the Collegian addresses the controversy surrounding the University of Richmond’s water polo club’s sale of calendars featuring photos of a different Westhampton and School of Business Administration student each month. Steven White,…
This article discusses the Title IX law passed by Congress in 1975, which grants women equal opportunity for scholarship as men. Westhampton College was at least 2 years behind major competitors at meeting the specifications of Title IX by 1978. The…
The article described a Mortar Board sponsored forum on Title IX held at the University and indicated that students received few concrete answers due to a pending court decision on whether the University’s athletic programs violated the sex equality…
This section of The Web 1982 highlights different types of students at the University of Richmond. In the section "Feminists," the description states that the feminist "knows who the weaker of the sexes really is, but she is fair enough to fight for…
This photo collage and description in The Web 1982 documents the annual tradition of the "panty raid" during which "Richmond College men invaded the Westhampton dormitories," and the Westhampton women would throw panties to the men from the dorm…
Every year, the Women’s Lifestyles committee held “February Follies,” a week-long event with the goal of helping women look their best according to stereotypical gender norms. This year’s Follies featured a fashion show,…
Described here is a forum in which students and faculty discussed if women were "innately inferior" to men. One woman was even described as an "attractive blonde." The resolution was 61 against the claim and 26 for it. The arguments for women being…
As part of a February Follies event devoted to self-improvement, The Lifestyles Committee put on a “fashion show, free hair styling and cutting and make-up demonstrations.” It was put on by the Lifestyles Committee which was directly…
This letter was written in response to a very controversial letter written by faculty member Janet Kotler about fraternities and the little sister programs. It is a group of little sisters' insisting their right to choose what they do with their…
Director and assistant director of student activities, Max Vest and Alison Bartel met with the deans, fraternity presidents, and little sisters to address the controversy caused by rush posters that many believed to be exploitative towards fraternity…
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