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This 1992 Collegian opinion piece, written by resident assistant Heather Bond, describes her issue with the University's sexist language and actions. She asks that the University reconsider their attitudes and role in institutionalized sexism. She…
This 1992 Collegian article states that a report on women and gender issues was released, including 40 recommendations for improvement as the status of the female faculty was examined. The report stated that there was "significant improvement" in the…
This 1992 Collegian article centers around the popular news case of athlete Mike Tyson being convicted of raping Deseree Washington, an 18 year old Miss America contestant. The article discusses the viewpoints of multiple Richmond students, and how…
This 1991 Collegian article focuses on a legal battle that was between Harry Snead, a T.C. Williams School of Law professor and the University of Richmond. Snead was suspended from classroom teaching in November 1988 due to his "sexist and racial…
Student Alisa G. Mayor argues that the trend to recruit more women and minorities into the Sciences reflects a historic pattern of women’s progress in America only occurring at the convenience of men. She cites the invention of the typewriter and…
This is opinion piece was written in response to articles written by women who argued that men don't take women on "sober dates" or act like "gentlemen" anymore. Adkins says that women are acting "less than ladylike", and proceeds to give several…
This article refers to the new average measurements of Westhampton students in physical conditioning classes. Dr. Judith McMoran, chairman of the WC Department of Physical Education, reported these results and commented that "people are now assuming…
This reports on guest lecturer for the Stafford Lecture Series Dr. Janet Wilson James, who is an associate professor of history at Boston College. She talks about how the roots of the women's liberation movement "extend back to the end of the 19th…
The article reports on the formation of a women's liberation group on campus. Beth Marschak, head of the organization, said that the shock "is effective in getting people thinking." She mentions that many students have ideas that conform to many…
This letter to the editor is written by a Westhampton College student, Katherine Sanford, in response to an anti-abortion article that was published in The Collegian. Sanford describes her feelings of outrage and anger over the article that was…
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