Browse Items (17 total)
In story called "Sometimes Living Next to a Creep Wouldn't Seem So Bad" in the 1979 yearbook, an unnamed author writes describes commuting student life. The story is embedded with heteronormative gender roles, sexism, and elements of rape culture.…
A multi-page story called "A Day in the Life" by an unnamed author in the 1979 yearbook depicts a version of daily life for students at UR. Written from a man's point of view, the story's language is embedded with misogyny and elements of rape…
A few members of Phi Delt's executive board responded to articles in the previous issue of the Collegian. These articles pertained to poor decisions made by Phi Delt brothers. One brother pulled down the dress of a Westhampton College sophomore and…
This is opinion piece was written in response to articles written by women who argued that men don't take women on "sober dates" or act like "gentlemen" anymore. Adkins says that women are acting "less than ladylike", and proceeds to give several…
A graduate student at the University of Richmond writes an article expressing their positive opinions on the work that was put in by students to bring sororities to campus. They mention an instance of harassment that was recorded in a previous…
This is an editorial by a male student arguing for a safety shuttle available for men after parties, similar to those offered to women. He criticized columnist Kirsten Heller's statement that "men (at least on this campus) are not the victims of…
This column samples five student opinions on the obscene phone call problem on the University of Richmond campus. Kelly Finnerty (WC '91), Mike Davis (RC '93), Kristen Dillard (WC '92), Chip Boone (RC '91), and Liz Meany (WC '91) share their…
This article reports on the "literally hundreds of obscene phone calls" that have been made to female residents of University of Richmond, according to University police department investigator, Henry Carr. Campus police Director Robert C. Dillard…
Controversy is sparked after a Richmond College sophomore, Jim Palmer, is charged with pulling down the dress of a Westhampton College sophomore, Sue McEvoy, during a football game. McEvoy is waiting to press civil charges until after Palmer's…
Bernice Sandler, an executive director of the Project on the Status and Education of Women, spoke on campus at the honors convocation in 1987. She outlined both subtle and overt sexual discrimination, and cited a statistic that 20 to 30 percent of…
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