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The article discusses the Varsity club's first social gathering to commemorate its beginning as an official club at the University. The article specifically mentions that everyone was enjoying the music provided by “a negro orchestra,”…

This article describes a social gathering between Richmond College and Westhampton College students that occurred on December 11, 1914. The article mentions the appearance of the black waiters dressed in all white during the dinner portion of the…

An article that details a Valentine's Night event at Westhampton College. The event is described in detail, of note that guests would have witnessed "courtly colonial gentlemen dancing with kinky-headed negro girls." As black guests were not allowed…

This article discusses the annual student government reception which occurred recently to honor the current student government. The reception consisted of four six-minute skits put on by students. During the intermission of this show, the article…

This Collegian article, written by Linda Tatum, a staff writer, is about the University's attempts to recruit more black students. Thomas N. Pollard, Jr., the director of admissions for Richmond College, said that social life for black students…

Written by Kappa Alpha member Fred Combs, this article spotlighted various fraternities' events, initiations, and honored members. Kappa Alpha ended the school year with their annual Rose Ball. At the event, the brothers dressed as "Confederate…

This article describes a recent seminar sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. in which a variety of speakers discussed the nature of their areas of expertise. Dean Martha Lucas opened with a discussion of world religion, followed by Betsy Rice and Leah Levin…
This article talks about the speech that a missionary to China by the name of A.B. Craig delivered to Westhampton College students on customs of Chinese culture. She talked about customs such as the colors used for Chinese weddings, Chinese salesmen,…

This article describes a talk given by a missionary from China, Mrs. McLaughlin. During the talk, Mrs. McLaughlin described the various phases of life in China, and said that China offers a "field of great possibilities." She believes that the China…

This entry in The Messenger discusses some of the rules in Southern women's colleges. The entry suggests that colleges should treat women differently than convents. The entry also says that one look at the rules is enough to show that the whole…
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