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A Collegian column reflecting on tension in the South after the Little Rock Nine enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The author attempts to account for the hostility surrounding the Little Rock situation by relating the struggle for…
In the article "Our Day: The South, The North, The Negro" published by The Collegian on March 8th, 1940, that describes the large amount of support the Democratic Party received from black people in the election season. "With ardent promises to look…

protestantism and patriotism in the confederacy_spring 1963.pdf
This article examines the link between church and state, specifically related to the America Civil War. The article credits the participation of the South in the Civil War to strong Protestant views, pointing to the high number of Southern religious…
This article from the Collegian in 1984 summarizes lectures given by four women historians in a symposium on "Women in Southern Society" as part of the Douglas Southall Freeman lecture series at the University of Richmond. Speaker Catherine Clinton…

This article describes the creation of a full-size mascot costume modeled after the "new look" Richmond Spider created by Student Shop proprietor Buddy Mayo earlier in the fall 1948 semester.The article describes the new look spider as having "called…

Article describing the teaching of Dr. Samuel Chiles Mitchell, a professor of history at the University of Richmond, known for teaching Douglas Southall Freeman. The article described many different interactions that Mitchell had with his students.…

This article highlights an incident in which the Richmond College Junior Class Cabinet was made to stop selling t-shirts featuring the Confederate spider mascot. Director of Administrative Services Louie Love said that the spider dressed in…

An article written by alumnus Henry E. Garrett (RC '15), president of the American Psychological Association and chair of Psychology and Columbia, argues for maintaining segregation. Segregation, according to Garrett, was not a question of ethics,…

as others see us_ab winter 1961.pdf
This article showcases the work of University of Richmond alum A. E. Dick Howard (RC '54). At the time, Howard was preparing for a career in law at the University of Virginia, prior to which he spent time studying philosophy, politics, and economics.…

Baylor and Uof R correspondance.pdf
This entry includes a letter from Professor James E. Wood, Professor of Religious Studies at Baylor University, to the former President of the University of Richmond, George Modlin. Wood wrote that he was intrigued by the Report of the Joint…
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