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In this 1969 Collegian article, the speakers of the UIC's (University Interfaith Council) symposium are featured. Mrs. Dianne Kennedy Pike, wife of the late Dr. James A. Pike, and associate professor of religion at Wesley University, Dr. John David…
This 1969 Collegian article is about the Westhampton College Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) hosting a workshop and seminar in order to get more youth involved in the program. Sarah Jane Stewart of the Southern Regional Office in Atlanta,…
This opinion piece congratulates the sponsors of speaker events during this school year for "high caliber speakers" including Paul Duke, Gerald Ford, and Andrew Young. It says that Andrew Young demonstrated his "high intelligence, sense of compassion…
This letter from an unnamed alum to President George Modlin was read at a President’s Advisory Council Meeting on March 8, 1971 regarding Dick Gregory’s lecture on campus on December 9, 1970. Dick Gregory was a black comedian, author,…
This handwritten letter by an unnamed alum to President George Modlin was read at a President’s Advisory Council Meeting on March 8, 1971 regarding Dick Gregory’s lecture on campus on December 9, 1970. Dick Gregory was a black comedian,…
This letter written on December 30, 1970 by an unnamed alum to University of Richmond President George M. Modlin was read at a President’s Advisory Council Meeting on March 8, 1971 regarding Dick Gregory’s lecture on campus on December 9,…
This 1971 Collegian article describes President Modlin's response to alumni who were concerned and irate about on-campus speakers such as Dick Gregory, a black comedian, author, actor, activist, and civil rights leader, who came to speak on campus in…
Andrew Young, hosted by Richmond College Student Government Association, the Westhampton College Government Association, and the University Student Union, spoke on November 11th 1980 at the Robins Center, addressing topics such as US Foreign Policy.…
This is a picture of Dick Gregory, a black comedian, author, actor, activist, and civil rights leader, who came to speak on campus in December 1970 as part of a lecture series. His speech was attended by a crowd of about 800, mainly consisting of…
General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz came to campus in 1946 to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Richmond for the major role they played in World War II for the Allies. At the Honors…
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