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This article highlights an incident in which the Richmond College Junior Class Cabinet was made to stop selling t-shirts featuring the Confederate spider mascot. Director of Administrative Services Louie Love said that the spider dressed in…
This article discusses a meeting of the Virginia Education Association's Department of Higher Education at the campus of the University of Richmond. It talks about how 70 college educators agreed that Black Studies courses are "needed at this time to…
This Collegian article reports anxieties about the dining hall exchange at the University of Richmond regarding a misinterpretation of the Coordinate Education Report. The report states that “Separate dining opportunities shall be provided in each…
This is a newspaper article covering the newly established hearing board intended to mitigate sexual assault cases. It discusses the composition of the board, as well as discussions on whether or not to include students. Kristin Heller, Westhampton…
This talks about the appointment of a new Associate Vice President for Students' Affairs, and the subsequent hiring of a full time staff member to "work toward increased minority recruitment and support programs." This discusses the current minority…

In this Collegian article published October 9, 1970, Thomas N. Pollard, Jr., the Richmond College registrar and University of Richmond director of admissions, said that the University was slowly developing policies on the admission of black students,…
In this University of Richmond Collegian article, writer Elizabeth Smith spotlights the secretaries of “the big decision-makers on campus.” Jane Pope, secretary to President E. Bruce Heilman, says she enjoys working with different groups on campus…
This editorial from the Collegian is the first of three tracking the climate of the student body at the University of Richmond. In this editorial, the writer notes that there is a student attitude towards the university and its practices which make…

The author of this editorial discusses the movement of faculty and administrative offices from Keller Hall into the University Commmons, taking up what was previously student space, including an arts and crafts room and the only meeting room that…

A Collegian editorial expressing views on the racial diversity of the faculty and student body at the University of Richmond. The editorial called for a more racially diverse community, but the university claimed that it did not discriminate in…
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