Browse Items (52 total)

This opinion piece, published on February 14, 1964, addressed the recently changed admission policy to allow black students to enroll in graduate night classes that take place at University College. This piece argues that full-scale integration of…

This letter by Bonnie Higgins to the editor of The Collegian addressed the integration of black students into University College in 1964. Higgins, a junior at Westhampton College, expressed that the Board of Trustees should be highly praised for…

The president report for the year 1966-1967 shows statistics and enrollment numbers for all of the school apart of University of Richmond. University College had just over 2,000 students and Junior College had 456 students.
This Collegian article was meant to inform students of the integration of University College night classes sponsored by the American Institute of Banking. The article further stated that there was no intention of further integration into any other…
This report of University College highlights the purpose of the establishment of University College and the degrees it will offer. The report says, "The principal function of the new College is to serve the Richmond metropolitan area in those…
This report talks about the success of the first year of University College and plans for expansion. The report highlights new courses that were offered in the evening, the expansion of the liberal arts department, and the graduate programs. In the…
This is the first report on the Junior College of University College, and an overview on the development of University College. The Junior College began in September of 1964 with just 123 students. It was a two year daytime liberal arts college meant…
The Dean of University College in 1978 was Max. C. Graber. In his report on University College he focuses on six main points: the Evening School, Summer School, Center for Criminal Justice, Continuing Education, Women's Program, and School of…
This is the third report of University College which includes the Junior College. In the Junior College's first year it had 140 students while University College had over 4,000 students. The report includes information on summer classes, the number…

In the student organizations section of the 1968 yearbook, two pictures can be found of clubs at University College. Both the pictures include an African American woman. She was member of the Reverie staff which was a magazine for creative expression…
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