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This 1970 Collegian article announces that Mr. Tran Van Dinh, a professor at New York University, and "one-time South Vietnam Acting Ambassador to the United States" will be speaking at Camp Concert Hall. Dinh was born in the Imperial City of Hie,…
This brief 1969 article focuses on a peace march organized by students to show solidarity for peace in Vietnam. Mary Alice Curlin, a sophomore is quoted as saying, "This march is to symbolize our desire for peace." The march was to begin at 7 p.m.…
This article describes the 1969 peace vigil that the University held in solidarity with the Vietnam War Moratorium, which was a nationwide student demonstration calling for the end of the war. University of Richmond students gathered on the "Student…
This article highlights the activism of the 1970s at the University compared with its apathy in the 60s. It notes that the students at the University of Richmond generally supported the Vietnam War and stayed "quiet" compared to other institutions…
This is an opinion piece refers to a free speech booth that appeared on campus, highlighting a lack of activism on campus by mentioning "the lack of serious presentation of ideas." This article references a student's demand to end communist nations,…
This 1973 opinion piece argues for amnesty in the case of men who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War. The writer calls the Vietnam War “an unjust war, a war which was lied about, which was fought with no intention of winning and which was in…
In early 1971, student activism against the Vietnam War was beginning to slow down not only at Richmond, but at many universities around the country as well. Richmond College senior and student activist Jim Winders claimed this was because the…
After a 1970 march on President George Modlin’s house related to the Vietnam War, Richmond College freshmen Jonathan Lewis and Richard Newman requested to meet with Dr. Modlin “to discuss the problems of the University” only to be admonished by the…
In this article, Jay Feldman recounts his experience at the 1969 March on Washington for peace in Vietnam. He tells of meeting fellow youth activists Howard Force, Mark Rosenberg, Andy Bookbinder, and an unnamed “Wisconsin janitor.” The march,…

In this oral history interview, Rayford L. Harris, Jr. (R’77) sat down with Rena Xiao (’20) and Eden Wolfer (’20) on July 1, 2018, in Boatwright Memorial Library. Over the course of the one hour and forty minute interview, Harris…
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