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This page represents the Westhampton Minstrels in the yearbook for 1924. The minstrels put on performances while wearing blackface. Along with the names of the participants, the artist(s) drew the figures in a stick-figure like, especially the feet,…

An article that details a Valentine's Night event at Westhampton College. The event is described in detail, of note that guests would have witnessed "courtly colonial gentlemen dancing with kinky-headed negro girls." As black guests were not allowed…

An article about housing ordinances at Westhampton College, including that the students would be allowed to keep their lights on until midnight. At the bottom of the article are two "jokes," used often to fill space in the Collegian. The second joke…

In 1959, the Collegian published an article detailing an upcoming production on campus that sought to relive the glory of the "Old Plantation." The article detailed the plans for Keller Hall to be transformed in order to mirror a plantation for the…

This Collegian article discusses a University of Richmond planned auction to raise tuition money for Miss Irene Ebhomielen, a Nigerian student. Ebhomielen's first year's tuition was paid by the Westhampton International student fund. The Westhampton…

Published in the 1971 spring Alumni Bulletin, this article summarizes an interview with Steve Nock, the new president of the Richmond College student government, and Nancy Benfield, the recently elected president of the Westhampton College student…

A Collegian article talking about six students from Hong Kong who attended Westhampton College. While all six girls were of Asian descent, only five claimed Hong Kong as their home. One student, Joyce Wan-Jung Chang, claimed Sao Paulo, Brazil as her…

An article from the October 1946 University of Richmond Alumni Bulletin covers second generation Westhampton students. Elizabeth Hsu, a student from China, receives a special mention in the article. Her father, Cheng Wang Hsu (formerly spelled Hui),…

An article noting a reaction to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination by some of the members of the University of Richmond. A group of 170 Westhampton College students wrote a letter to various political officials including Richmond Mayor…

This Collegian article discusses the YWCA's intention to sponsor a student from India to receive an education at Westhampton College. The criteria for choosing the student would be determined by the Indian Embassy. The student would be considered a…
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