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In this image 14 members of the Young Men's Christian Association are featured, including S.W. Quong, an Asian student. Sidney W. Quong has listed his hometown as Norfolk, VA. Quong refers to himself as a Chinese student and is a member of the…

This photograph features the members of the Young Men’s Christian Association (Y.M.C.A). The Y.M.C.A is an on-campus club whose purpose is to spread the Christian faith and gospel. Students joined the club to connect with other Christian students and…

The Web_1925_p2....JPG
This is a picture of a senior at the University of Richmond in 1925 named Yiu Fong Leung. The text next to her picture states, "Who is there at Westhampton who doesn't admire the spunk with which Yiu Fong tackles our Americanism?". Yiu Fong Leung was…

This page, titled "What The Bell Says," features nine cartoon-like illustrations. The illustrations depict female life for Westhampton students. The first five photos feature different instances where "the bell" is rung. In the first photo on the top…

This illustration shown at the beginning of the yearbook. Depicts a white matronly figure surrounded by four children of differing ethnicities: brown, Asian, Native American, and white. Part of a series of illustrations at the beginning of each…

A yearbook page that includes a poem for John Johnson, the head of the janitorial staff at the University for 39 years. John Johnson was a beloved member of the University and was the oldest member of the community in terms of years of service. The…

The Web_1925_p.JPG
This is a picture of Kwan Fong Cheung (W'25), a senior at the University of Richmond. Cheung is from Canton (Guangzhou), China and is noted as a "true friend," a "good conversationalist," and "one of Westhampton's best in aesthetic dancing." The…

This photograph features University of Richmond students who are members of the United States Army's "Company C" infantry. Students are dressed in their uniforms and are photographed standing at attention. Two Chinese students were members of the…

The Spider_1917_325.jpg
This page features the names of the Westhampton student members of the Piedmont Club in 1917. The photograph shows an African-American man pulling a horse and carriage filled with the female members of the club.

A list of members in Glee Club, broken down by musical ranges (i.e.: First Tenors, Second Tenors, First Bass, Second Bass). Listed under First Bass is student S.W. Quong, a Chinese student. Sidney W. Quong has listed his hometown as Norfolk, VA.…
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