Browse Items (48 total)

The bio of the 1930 Richmond College Sophomore class which includes student Sidney W. Quong has listed his hometown as Norfolk, VA. Quong refers to himself as a Chinese student and is a member of the Chinese Club where in 1929, his Freshman year, he…

The bio of the 1930 Richmond College Junior class which includes one international student, Seid E. Ling, who has listed his hometown as Canton, China. This page features his photograph, name, hometown, and intended B.S course of study. Unlike the…

The photograph in the bottom middle features a black woman. The woman is dressed in a white dress. Her clothing suggests that she is a staff member at the University of Richmond. The photo is included among sixteen other photographs on the page…

This image features photographs and descriptions of 3 senior men at Richmond College. Attention should be drawn to Wai Hung Taam, who lists his hometown as Canton, China. He is an applicant for a B.S. degree in Business Administration and is a member…

This is a drawing used as for the cover page for the "Sectional Clubs" portion of the yearbook. Four characters are drawn holding a "Sectional Clubs" sign. These four people are depicted as ethnically different and stereotypical manner based on their…

This is a club photograph of the Ministerial Association. The Ministerial Association was a Christian student organization at the University of Richmond. The purpose of this student organization was to bring together a group of Christian young men…

The photo in the middle (left) features two black men. The two black men seem like workers at the University of Richmond based on their outfits and tools. This photograph is just one of many snapshots that displayed Richmond College men's activities.…

This page is drawn from the sophomore class section of the 1920 yearbook and includes names, photos, and descriptions of the students who were part of the sophomore class. This page includes a photograph of Cheng Yeung Hui, the only sophomore Chinese…

This montage of eight photographs depicts a variety of nature and wildlife images. In the top center photograph, a black man is featured doing fieldwork. He appears to be holding some sort of tool in his hand. In all the photographs on this page,…

The Web_1925_p62.JPG
This is a picture of University senior John Alfred Paau from Canton, China. The description text next to his picture states, "Here is a man who has come from the far distant East and sojourned among these Gothic Halls of fame for four years...". Paau…
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