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The Web_1925_p118.jpg
This page, drawn from the junior class section of the 1925 yearbook, includes the names, photos, and descriptions of the students who were part of the junior class. The page includes photos of K. “King” Mok and P.L. “Mok” Mok, who are both from the…

The Web_1925_p62.JPG
This is a picture of University senior John Alfred Paau from Canton, China. The description text next to his picture states, "Here is a man who has come from the far distant East and sojourned among these Gothic Halls of fame for four years...". Paau…

This drawing appearing in the "Jokes" section of the 1925 yearbook that includes images of blacks as students that depict would-be black student similar to the way white students would be described (namely calling freshman "rats" and depicting a…

Introduction page for the 1917 “Senior Law” section features an illustration of a white man dressed in a nice suit carrying a book and an African-American man dressed in tattered overalls and a shirt. The white man has his hand extended out towards…

An advertisement for Jell-O in the advertisement section of the 1917 yearbook. The advertisement features an illustration of an African American caretaker with a small white child at a kitchen table. The clothing and interaction with the child at…

A yearbook page that includes a poem for John Johnson, the head of the janitorial staff at the University for 39 years. John Johnson was a beloved member of the University and was the oldest member of the community in terms of years of service. The…

A yearbook page titled, "Dark Side of College Life," that includes eleven photographs of African American staff members on campus. The photographs feature African-American men dressed in either culinary apparel or as manual laborers carrying brooms…

This page is the introduction page to the advertisements section of the 1914 yearbook. The page features an illustration of an African-American man wearing a tattered suit pulling a donkey with the sign “advertisements” hung on it. The illustration…

The page titled, "Campus Scenes," features eleven photographs of daily life on campus. In the upper left corner of the page a photograph featuring two black men dressed in clothes that would be worn for manual labor. They are carrying buckets,…

A poem, "I Am the Lawyer written by Louis Lande, from New York City. Louis Lande was not a student of Richmond College, but his poem was reprinted from the New York Law Journal, Wednesday, May 28, 1930 and was included in The 1931 Web. Lande was a…
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