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A Collegian column reflecting on tension in the South after the Little Rock Nine enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The author attempts to account for the hostility surrounding the Little Rock situation by relating the struggle for…

as others see us_ab winter 1961.pdf
This article showcases the work of University of Richmond alum A. E. Dick Howard (RC '54). At the time, Howard was preparing for a career in law at the University of Virginia, prior to which he spent time studying philosophy, politics, and economics.…
Famous Hampton Quartet scheduled to sing at the Sunday Vespers held at the Cannon Memorial Chapel at 7:00 pm Sunday evening. The quartet comes to Richmond every year on an annual tour through the state; tours made to arouse interest in the work and…

As part of their program of "varied and attractive services," the Student Committee on Religious Worship scheduled the Richmond Sabbath Glee Club to present Sunday evening at 7:00 pm at the Vesper Service in the Cannon Memorial Chapel. Led by Joseph…
Presented by the Senior Class of Westhampton College at the Playhouse on Friday, November 23, 1924, the article reports Mary Mills was selected to be the interlocutor in the upcoming minstrel. The following students were cast as end-men, set to wear…
This article discusses Dr. Koo, of China, as one of the principal speakers on affairs of student interest. Held at the Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Richmond, the Young Men's and Women's Associations of Virginia sponsored an inter-racial,…
The article discusses the outstanding rally of the year presented at the stadium in celebration of the traditional rivalry between University of Richmond and William and Mary. Demonstrated in the Thanksgiving Day gridiron classic, widely-known…
The article discusses the opening of the Richmond College Glee Club's Fall tor. Sponsored by the Parent-Teachers' Association of the Bowling Green High School, the recital will open rendering two groups of songs. Followed by the new spider quartet,…
This article discusses Richmond College Professor, Dr. Mead's speech at the Westhampton Assembly on April 16, 1934. Talking on his time in South America, he discusses the derivation of the word "carioca," explaining that its origin is in the…
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