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The article describes the ongoing debate concerning replacing the University of Richmond’s coordinate system with a coeducational one. Dr. George M. Modlin, University President, and Dr. Mary Louise Gehring, Dean of the Westhampton College, spoke to…

This article is a critique of the Reagan administration regarding two cases where the author believes the president is allowing discrimination. The first case is regarding Bob Jones University in South Carolina and Goldsboro Christian Schools in…
In this letter, the Women’s Athletic Council at the University of Richmond addresses the Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The council is filing a complaint against the University of Richmond, given that the…
In this letter, W. Carter Younger responds to Dewey Dodds, Director of Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, regarding the previous correspondence sent to President E. Bruce Heilman. In the latter, Dodds informs the president that there…
Thomas N. Pollard Jr., Director of Admissions of Richmond College reported that “definite but slow” progress was being made in the recruitment of black students to the University of Richmond. He commented that a small amount of the current black…
In this letter from the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) to University President George M. Modlin, Chair Dr. Eloise Severinson, expresses the office’s appreciation concerning the University…

This is a confidential letter from the Vice President for Student Affairs, William H. Leftwich, to President Bruce Heilman, Rector F. Carlyle Tiller, and Lewis T. Booker. The writer informs that the university filed a suit in Federal District Court…

This article investigates the question of equality in athletics at the University of Richmond. In particular, it explores several cases in which sex discrimination in athletics is evident. The writer states that “the women’s basketball…
This is a letter from William Flynn and James Frank, President and Secretary-Treasurer of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) respectively, towards the Chief Executive Officers, Faculty Representatives and Directors of Athletics of…
This is the second letter sent to President E. Bruce Heilman by Dewey Dodds, Director of Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, regarding the compliance review of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Dewey reiterates that this…
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