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This undated administrative report titled “Information for HEW Letter” included a series of numbered paragraphs regarding the recruitment of black students at the University. Though it is uncertain who wrote the report, Dean Grigg and the Senior…
This undated handwritten note titled “HEW Categories” pertains to the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. There is no known creator. The note reads, “1. ‘will do.’ 2. ‘make every effort to accomplish.’ 3. ‘will give…
This article indicated that the Justice Department’s lack of appeal to the decision banning investigation of sex discrimination in UR’s athletic department “warded off a probe at the College of William and Mary.” Ronald Gilliam, deputy director of…
This article argued that while it was too soon to determine whether the April 27th Open Campus for Black Students program would immediately affect the amount of black applicants, directors of admissions predicted the event would have “tremendous…
This article indicated that the U.S. Department of Education filed a countersuit against the University of Richmond after UR refused to cooperate with an investigation regarding sex discrimination in its athletics. The countersuit was in response to…
According to University director of admissions, Thomas N. Pollard Jr., the University struggled to recruit minority students compared to state-supported schools as well as predominantly black universities. Pollard explained that the University’s…
This correspondence to Dr. Lewis Nobles, president of Mississippi College, sent by William H. Leftwich, vice president of the University of Richmond, is in response to E. Bruce Heilman, president of UR, offering Leftwich's legal advice to Nobles…
In this speech, University of Richmond president Dr. E. Bruce Heilman addressed the National Association of Private College and University Presidents in Scottsdale, Arizona. Heilman discussed the “unwarranted intrusion of the federal bureaucracy into…
This article expressed that the chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Clarence M. Pendleton, Jr., warned that enforcement of Title IX could be “severely undermined if the government does not appeal a ruling by a federal district court…
The article described a Mortar Board sponsored forum on Title IX held at the University and indicated that students received few concrete answers due to a pending court decision on whether the University’s athletic programs violated the sex equality…
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