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In this letter Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Regional Civil Rights Director Eloise Severinson to University of Richmond President George M. Modlin, Severinson informs the President that she needs to hear back from him regarding…
In this letter from Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Regional Civil Rights Director Eloise Severinson to University of Richmond President George M. Modlin, Severinson thanks the President for scheduling his Administrative Council…
In this article, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) President Warren W. Brandt accuses federal civil rights officials of making busy work in their push for more desegregation. According to Dr. Brandt, "VCU has fully complied with federal edicts…
In this piece, Bari Jean Hobbs reviews the documentary drama In White America by Martin Duberman. Hobbs mentions how the drama, which dealt with the “negro in America” had not been presented in two years and the production set in Keller Hall had no…
This letter to the editor, written by Robert Edge, discusses the Richmond Human Relations Council Tutoring Program. This program deals directly with the race issue in Richmond and makes positive strides to finding a solution to "the problem." Edge…
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