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This article discusses an event/performance where Eta Sigma Phi converted the Westhampton College tearoom into a "Roman banquet-hall". This was done because they were hosting a traditional "Saturnalia". A "Saturnalia" was an ancient Roman festival…
This article is about a movement started by an Alumnus, W. F. "Tip" Saunders, who wanted to change the Richmond Spider to the Richmond Confederates. He claimed that this would be a suitable change since the buildings in Richmond College were used as…

The brief article is about the defeat of North Carolina. The article states that seeing this score (Richmond 14- North Carolina 13) is exciting as that means there will be a "scalping of an Injun", which we see mentioned in other articles. The…

This editorial discusses a Letter to the Editor the had been published in the Collegian a week prior to this article. The letter was regarding an incident where an African American speaker was not permitted to eat with students in the dining hall…

This article discusses the "Institute on Inter-American Affairs" program that was held at UR on April 7-8 in 1944. The program began with an address given by President Boatwright followed by a speech from Pauline Turnbull. Turnbull was a faculty…

This article discusses the "‘Injun’ scalping that was going to be held on the football field before the Thanksgiving bonfire. The performance by the student is done to proclaim to the campus and nearby residents the "intentions" of the…

This article discusses the speaker Russell Jones who was a student at Virginia Union and an "outstanding" young leader. He discussed the Richmond Intercollegiate Council, and encouraged audience members that are interested in the world to join. He…

This article talks about a performance by an African American singer, Marian Anderson. Anderson was a celebrated contralto. She performed on the University Radio Guild’s Chapel conceit hour, accompanied by a male chorus. Anderson was an…

This article is a letter from the president to the students who signed a petition after an African American speaker, Russell Jones, was not permitted to eat with the white students after his speech. Jones spoke at the YWCA on behalf of the…

This article discusses an African American speaker, Mr. Russell Jones, spoke at the YWCA on behalf of the Intercollegiate Council. Jones was brought to campus by the RIC. His speech was about creating better friendships among people in Virginia.…
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