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This letter to the editor was written by William Norris, a Richmond College freshman. In this letter, Norris expresses his opinions on the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), and suggests that by asking the university to diversify…

This Collegian article discusses "Black Students Visitation Day," a program meant to bring an estimated 80 Black Richmond high schools students to campus. The program was formed by the Richmond College and Westhampton College senates "in an effort to…

This Collegian article discusses a University of Richmond planned auction to raise tuition money for Miss Irene Ebhomielen, a Nigerian student. Ebhomielen's first year's tuition was paid by the Westhampton International student fund. The Westhampton…

This Collegian editorial reflects upon the integration of the University of Richmond's main campus. Although black students had been accepted into the university in previous years, the editorial noted that there were five full-time black students…

This Collegian article discusses the results of the Supreme Court's ruling in 1954 in favor of public school desegregation. The article claimed that the trend was toward resegregation. Citing Washington as a "model city" for school integration in…

These pages are from the 1953 University of Richmond yearbook, The Web. It contains information about the fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha. The page discusses the achievements of the Alpha Chi Chapter, which is the chapter name at the University of…
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