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A letter to the editor of the Collegian signed by 250 students on campus in response to Eva Wong's disciplining following the Westhampton College Song Contest. Wong, invited a friend from Union Theological Seminary, who was a black student originally…

This article recounts controversy surrounding the playing of the song "Dixie" during school events. Richmond College student government, led by Steve Nock, moved to "restrain" the use of the song "Dixie" during school events, and the issue of the…

A Collegian article talking about six students from Hong Kong who attended Westhampton College. While all six girls were of Asian descent, only five claimed Hong Kong as their home. One student, Joyce Wan-Jung Chang, claimed Sao Paulo, Brazil as her…

This Collegian article discusses an open house held specifically for black high school students in the Richmond area as a response to the "realization that the University of Richmond lacks diversity among students..." The visitation day had been…

An article noting a reaction to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination by some of the members of the University of Richmond. A group of 170 Westhampton College students wrote a letter to various political officials including Richmond Mayor…
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