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Found in the 1914 edition of the University of Richmond's yearbook The Spider, this page satirically reminisces on the birth of the Refectory, the Richmond College dining hall.
Located in a section of the 1898 edition of the yearbook The Spider titled "Eating Houses," this page is dedicated to the Refectory, the Richmond College dining hall. The page lists a satirical average menu, along with the dining hall matron (Mrs.…
This Collegian article reports anxieties about the dining hall exchange at the University of Richmond regarding a misinterpretation of the Coordinate Education Report. The report states that “Separate dining opportunities shall be provided in each…
This Collegian article states that food catering service Servomation Mathias has replaced the Slater System in managing the Richmond College Refectory. The new manager of the Refectory is Carroll E. Allen Jr. New serving hours and the guidance of a…
This Collegian article sheds light on the Richmond gay bar Godfrey’s as a source of refuge for LGBTQ+ students who attend the University of Richmond and wish for an alternative to Greek affiliated events. Common Ground director Glyn Hughes explains…
This article summarizes a faculty and student discussion on lynching and its history in response to a racist incident at the Cousins Studio Theater involving the hanging of a black doll. The article details that there were anywhere from 30 to 70…
This Collegian article explains the censorship process for t-shirts sporting sexually-charged innuendos and uses the University of Richmond’s crew team and equestrian team’s notorious use of sexual slogans as examples. For example, the crew team used…
In this article, guest writer Kendra Corey recounts the history of integration at the University of Richmond in the late 1960s after the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education, as well as detailing some of the experiences and…
In this University of Richmond Collegian editorial, written in response to “actor-entertainer” Bill Cosby donating $20 million to Spelman College, white student Rick Mayes attempts to argue that if all-white institutions and organizations are racist,…
In this opinion piece, appearing in the University of Richmond’s newspaper The Collegian’s Forum, Christian pop singer and anti-gay activist Anita Bryant responds to backlash concerning her impending visit to the University of Richmond. In…
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